Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sabrina Ito

We must feature the great "Jackson Square" by Sabrina Ito from Clarion, no. 17, Winter 2014. It has such a strong voice, over and over again--few people can keep up brilliance throughout a whole poem, but she goes for it. She has an almost Edmund Spenser-esque feel in terms of the rich backdrop you feel in her work, but also the startling eerie punch of Sylvia Plath.

It's an especially great poem in the sense that it bridges the gap between summer and fall in tone, without outright talk. It 'shows', not tells.

Here is an excerpt:
Street lamps glow, green absinthe steaming
Spanish moss drips
like long wisps of dry honey
dribbling from craggy branches
of ancient oaks.

and when a slippery blue Palmetto bug [...]

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