Thursday, July 31, 2014

Robin Chapman

We have to highlight Robin Chapman's piece "Madison, August 1" in Ascent, Sept. 2013. It's incredible, almost a type of Modernist, Imagist take on Coleridge. Chapman's piece "June 26, Madison" in Ascent, Feb. 2014 is also great, with a real sense of space and place; there's almost a French vein in it all, like Verlaine or Baudelaire. 

Here's an excerpt:


in the garden that was shining in praise
of last night’s quarter inch of rain,
every leaf and petal lifted glistening,
and the phlox’s vanilla perfume drifting
in the new damp cool of morning,

Also try their poem "Dark and Light" from Oct. 2009 in Ascent; the poem is very Frost-like, in a great way. Here's an excerpt:

Walk through the woods at night in the dark,
no moon, no light from the city reflecting white
on the clouds that hide the stars—foolish

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