Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sir Walter Scott

One great writer to explore is Scottish writer Sir Walter Scott [1771-1832]. He wrote the great knights and castles adventure story Ivanhoe but also lots of verse and other novels. He's a bit like Longfellow or Whitman, but with a more lively and visual pace. His Marmion: a Tale of Flodden Field in Six Cantos [1808] is very enjoyable to read. Read it all here.

Here's an excerpt:


Ashestiel, Ettrick Forest.

Like April morning clouds, that pass,
With varying shadow, o’er the grass,
And imitate, on field and furrow,
Life’s chequer’d scene of joy and sorrow;
Like streamlet of the mountain north,                      
Now in a torrent racing forth,
Now winding slow its silver train,
And almost slumbering on the plain;
Like breezes of the autumn day,
Whose voice inconstant dies away,                        
And ever swells again as fast,
When the ear deems its murmur past;
Thus various, my romantic theme
Flits, winds, or sinks, a morning dream.
Yet pleased, our eye pursues the trace                    
Of Light and Shade’s inconstant race;
Pleased, views the rivulet afar,
Weaving its maze irregular;
And pleased, we listen as the breeze
Heaves its wild sigh through Autumn trees;        


And don't forget he wrote his often quoted lines in this work, in Canto VI, stanza 17, ie:

Oh! what a tangled web we weave
When first we practise to deceive!
A Palmer too! No wonder why
I felt rebuked beneath his eye

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