Thursday, May 8, 2014

Luis de Camoes

Luís de Camões [1524-1580] is a famous Portuguese poet who wrote great sonnets, you can read more here. Here is one to try, translated by J. J. Aubertin.


Within a wood nymphs were inhabiting,
Sibella, lovely nymph, was wandering free;
And climbing up into a shady tree,
The yellow blossoms there was gathering.
Cupid, who thither ever turned his wing,
Cool in his shady mid-day sleep to be,
Would on a branch, e'er sleeping, pendent see
The bows and arrows he was wont to bring.
The nymph, who now the moment fitting saw
For so great enterprise, in nought delays,
But flies the scorner with the arms she ta'en.
She bears the arrows in her eyes, to draw.
Oh! shepherds fly, for every one she slays,
Save me alone, who live by being slain.

A linda Nympha Sibella

"N'hum bosque, que das nymphas se habitava, 
Sibella, nympha linda, andava hum dia ; 
E subida em huma árvore sombria, 
As amarellas flôres apanhava. 
Cupido, que alii sempre costumava 
A vir passar a sésta á sombra fria, 
Em hum ramo arco e settas, que trazia, 
Antes que adormecesse, pendurava. 
A nympha, como idoneo tempo vira 
Para tamanha empresa, não dilata ; 
Mas com as armas foge ao moço esquivo. 
As settas traz nos olhos, com que tira. 
Ó pastores ! fugi, que a todos mata, 
Senso a mim, que de matar-me vivo. 

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