Sunday, December 6, 2015

D. Moore

Devon Moore has a great piece "Red", in her volume Apology of a girl who is told she is going to Hell. Also read her poem "Burial" here, it's very good. She has quite the mix of Sylvia Plath and Seamus Heaney in her voice. Here's an excerpt from the previous:

I tell you this so that you know: There was once a body
of a woman on the beach, with legs glowing white and the fabric [...]

you could wrap a fist around, a chest of rosebuds, and a pile of adventure 
books by the bed she shared with her sister and all that a lit cigarette
against her skin would later fail to deliver. For a day my mother had 
a new red dress, so pretty, so pretty, all other desired redresses [...]
even when I write red and red and red and red, even when I call
out to her, mother, my voice pummeling through the silver [...]

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